Tuesday, January 28, 2020

chap 0: intro to space



The alarm overhead blares from the box. I've awoke at sunrise. I live in a bedroom with no windows but have bewitched my lights to alert my primitive senses. I'm slowly losing my santity but these lights, waking me up every morn keeps me sane.

I trudge over. !--~~~~ENNK~EMM--EN~~NEE~~KEEEEEEEEEN~~~--~~~!
Into the corner.
Reach into the drawer.
Equip my trusty muffler.
Strap on my rubber boots.
Rub off the grime and soots.
Placed my tie and wrap the suit.

I hate that alarm.
I reach for my coffee pot and light my matches.
I wrap the coffee into a bag and let the coffee steep til its brown as my skin.

!--~~~~mmmmENNK~mmmEMM--mmEN~~mmmNEE~~mmmmmmmmmmmKEEEEEEEEEN~~~--~~~!(fades away)

My mug is filled with coffee, two spoonfuls of sugar, no milk.

I work my way into the hallway and glance over to see @$&%!!(.
I smile and my daily shake.
They shake back and smile with the typical morn nod.

!--~~~~mmmmENNKmmmm~mmmEMMmmm--mmENmm~~mmmNEEmmm~~mmmmmmmmmmmKEEEEEEEEENmmmmmmmmmmm~~~--~~~!(fades away)

I go into the lab to turn down the noise and silence it with the wave of my hands.
I do everything exactly in the reversed order.
I always do so, keeps me sane.
I return back to my slumber.
I dream about sanity, all in many forms and waves.
Finally at peace, I fall asleep.
I hear the canaries chirping with their melody.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A tale of two timelines

The tale of two timelines

Crisp like the swirling cut of an apple rind

Cut down the middle.

I see Sherry and Berry,
Mary and Jo,
Susan and Sally,
And of course Nevel and Roe.

All by the wayside, dangling by the skyline.
Each affixed to their timeline.

"What?" You might ask, how are they all together but each to their own?

A digital cone.

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation's publication of "truth or narrative" or "included
statement" transcribed on the websites affiliated with Ahmad Kamil Ahmad-Zani, may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Ahmad Kamil Ahmad-Zani. All art is for "personal use", and "non-commercial use" as a leisure entertainment.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Roboto Among Us

I write this as a tale. A tale with no end.
As They walk amongst the living kind.
Breathing the same as the blind.
While the world slowly seeps into the defined declined, of disastrous bo-vine.
There appears to be a man, standing just a shy underlined. He rocks and sways.
As low as the berry bushes. O'carry on with the wind.
See the fin, pass on by, look at those buzzing bees fly.
Past the mountain top, a bit far from the peaks.
I see the porcupine leeks. I run to go hide n seek,
Where all the sheep sheep, bo-beep.
He walks amongst us.
A roboto of our kind,
so, so

What a blime.

They don't suspect thing.
Not one, or two fings or 3 things.
See those beatles fling shit--
at each other. O'Where out thy Brother?
Did he stutter?
No, but it's sad to see,
a monkey sittin flea.
"pooo-weee, yippy-kaiyee."

All rights reserved. No part of this documentation's publication of "truth or narrative" or "included statement" transcribed on the websites affiliated with Ahmad Kamil Ahmad-Zani, may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means such as electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Ahmad Kamil Ahmad-Zani. All art is for "personal use", and "non-commercial use" as a leisure entertainment.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

what a show

A muddy hill, no cliffs in sight.
A muddy gorge, no life on site.

Up above we see,
Where the sky top bees flee.

A marvelous being
all dressed in tan.
Gloop'd from head to toe,
what a show.

(picture coming soon...)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Cash Only Orenda


From the title, you may wonder. Why greenbacks, straps of packs, sacks and stacks full of cash. 

Well, you know the story. 

Out in the bando, where not even a mouse dare to enter. There lives the children of the night. Who go on about and only venture out in the deep moonlight. 

Here, I will tell a tale, where no man, woman, or child
 goes to sail.

He walks a fast pace, near the neighborhood. They wait along the driveway, waiting for the red and blue lights to drive by. 

I check my phone, 
23:49 as I stare deeply into my iPhone. 

We joke about and finish mother's pasta. Hot dog meat in the spaghetti sauce, what a hearty treat. I constantly check the time and its finally 0:00. The coast is clear after we see them leave down the hill. We make our move and dash to the dimly lit path. It's odd when I look back, every time I go there. The bando of a single lit street lamp, surrounded by the forresty bush-wick. But what drove chills down my spine, even though I've been there a hundred, million, gajillion times, is that ever so lonely tree. Sprouted right by the lamp, the lamp that never loses power, the sturdy tree appeared to be the everlasting budding flower. You, my sweetheart would be so frightened, because even my brave soul was shook, 


I have brought many friends and lovers there, where the party never was bare. The moonlit night would stop and stare, at our crazy hightimes affairs. I brought a friend, who has unfortunately passed not too long ago, a young soul, where I will forever cherish our silly antics in my gum-filled heart. 

*A flashback*
He peers behind, watching my back as I unscrew the bolts. We borrow some phillips and flatheads from his father's toolbox. "This is much harder than it looks, it is so odd that the door is open but the bolt is still pinned down", I annoyingly mumble and grumble. Jokingly, he faintly whispers that I am just positioning the drivers the incorrect way. He takes the tools and fiddles a bit, while I am then on lookout. There was never a need to be on lookout because we full-heartedly know that we're surrounded by shrubs, a gravel path and trees, but we do so out of safety and to put our minds at ease. I couldn't help but stare at that lonely flower, sometimes I still have that overlooking feel of that daunting because I see him in my dream. As I write this, I can't help but be sadden by it's poetic please. My brother fiddles enough but sees some progress and I, cannot but help but stare deeply into the flower's branches. Branches so thick, a flock of birds could be hidden in it's leaves, eagerly staring-right-back-at-me. I couldn't help but be entranced. Felt like at every glance, the tree saw right through my pathetic moral stance. 

Taunting wherever I be.

He gives the pliers and drivers back at me and tells me to try finishing it since his forearms were too wide to fit through the door opening. I slyly grin because it only took a few more moments before the bolt drops a loud thud as I unscrew. I think about this moment a lot because this was the only moment where I may regret all that I have done because if we did not bust that door open, I would think things would be different now.
But as the ambitious and curious mind of me, I knew exactly what I wanted to see.

As We step into the corridor door and hear the creaks and pitter patter of our steps. We make a pact to never reveal this broken home, where wood panelings looked deeply dreary. 
I am lost. I cannot put into words and I weep a great storm. 


I write this so that if you are ever given the chance to cross a similar path, keep a mental note, You know once You step into the dimly lit narrow path, that it may forever change, Your starry-eyed-gaze. And You know, deep inside Your forsaken heart, it was You who chose to exchange.

There was a thump, and rattle as we walk towards the carpet-filled floors. We take a glance around and see that it was remnants of an abandoned home, with no owner or name. Wherever we looked, we saw a past of forgotten memories, laid out in plain view. 

My heart races a thousand beats and a thousand times too quick for me to break my train of thought. I was not ready for any of this, no part of this was ready to know.

I type this with a heavy sigh, "this was My price to pay for an evil-eye." 
Where I am forever demystified.

This home was too perfect, where it left zero-traces of a soul, except in the black-box of a cloud. I am astonished at how they never realized and I never told my compadres about this because I wanted them to forever think this was just another fun adventure-filled wonderment and joy. Where we drink and smoke to our heart's content, sharing musical laughter and philosophical rafters of good-times and solid nursery rhymes.

You may wonder, "Who is He describing, and What gives. When did this happen, Where was this and Why is this idiot rambling on about an abandoned home".

Patience, My dear reader. I tell only what is required to create a tale to forewarn travels of entering a forsaken abode. 

What am I describing? Just an abandoned home, if you read closely to the context.
When was this? The summer of twenty-thirteen.
Where am I? You wouldn't believe it if I told you.
Why am I rambling a long narrative into my work? 

Funny you should ask, we noticed upon a shed out back that lived many peculiar garden tools. Broken vases, smashed glass mirrored cabinets and faces. A good amount of sad faces that peer into the pupils of an ignorant child that did not read into things before but recalling, 
There, nailed into the kitchen wall was a calendar that could be seen out the foggy window in broad daylight, a red-risque calendar marking July of nineteen-ninety-six. 

Yet, standing at the top of the stairs was none other than a hallowed-out sad, wet and depressing        I have named nix.
*Flashback ends*

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jorge Marín sculpture of Pegasus dude on a Sphere

drawn using infinite painter app on chromebook acer r11

I Guess that´s Why they Call it, the Devil´s dance

As I go around town. Where the streets frown and the babies cry for help. I can´t but figure why, oh why, es le rue y calle filled in con monster´s belt? In one hand I wield my Español gramática libro and in the other un pluma del oro y negro sewn into mi corázon. I am one of those pesadillas buscando y caminando en la calle o rue, yet I choose to observe, and never be heard. Why? In order for this realm to run and be fun, one must learn to see and let it be done. No questions asked, because you´ll be asked real fast. So. I. Choose. My. Book. Where the ruins are disguised amongst the ball python beetles. Where they lay, paint talks. Wander and wonder about, for this is not for the faint-hearted. Gatos y perros roam with no master. The pace of your walk beats faster and faster. But beware, when the sun begins to fall and the moon shines past the vapor mists, snakes split and slithers in two, and disappears... boo! I can´t help but be entranced. I stroll about and peer into my book every corner I pass.

Every so often the book enlightens my way. Following the footsteps until I meet seis lapis luzuli. I presume, from my context clues, le rulé. I pester with the stones for a while until a woman in a chaotic midnight gown kneels down and levels with me. I half-heartedly grin at the sight of her precious smile and wink. Instinctively I ask if she speaks English, even though I already knew the answer. She ponders and asks what I´m doing. ¨Look here, when I try smashing this rock with the smaller glass stones, the stones shatter. Yet, if you look at these blue stones cemented into the sidewalk, it breaks every rock I pound.¨ She lets out a quizzical chuckle and under her breath spells ¨You have a beautiful mind. Keep exploring mi querrido.¨ My slyly grin grows and I thank her for her observation. ¨I´m just another one bored out of my mind.¨ She stands tall and says her goodbye. Never have I ever been so entranced.
I guess that´s why they call it the devil´s dance.