Tuesday, July 10, 2018

I Guess that´s Why they Call it, the Devil´s dance

As I go around town. Where the streets frown and the babies cry for help. I can´t but figure why, oh why, es le rue y calle filled in con monster´s belt? In one hand I wield my Español gramática libro and in the other un pluma del oro y negro sewn into mi corázon. I am one of those pesadillas buscando y caminando en la calle o rue, yet I choose to observe, and never be heard. Why? In order for this realm to run and be fun, one must learn to see and let it be done. No questions asked, because you´ll be asked real fast. So. I. Choose. My. Book. Where the ruins are disguised amongst the ball python beetles. Where they lay, paint talks. Wander and wonder about, for this is not for the faint-hearted. Gatos y perros roam with no master. The pace of your walk beats faster and faster. But beware, when the sun begins to fall and the moon shines past the vapor mists, snakes split and slithers in two, and disappears... boo! I can´t help but be entranced. I stroll about and peer into my book every corner I pass.

Every so often the book enlightens my way. Following the footsteps until I meet seis lapis luzuli. I presume, from my context clues, le rulé. I pester with the stones for a while until a woman in a chaotic midnight gown kneels down and levels with me. I half-heartedly grin at the sight of her precious smile and wink. Instinctively I ask if she speaks English, even though I already knew the answer. She ponders and asks what I´m doing. ¨Look here, when I try smashing this rock with the smaller glass stones, the stones shatter. Yet, if you look at these blue stones cemented into the sidewalk, it breaks every rock I pound.¨ She lets out a quizzical chuckle and under her breath spells ¨You have a beautiful mind. Keep exploring mi querrido.¨ My slyly grin grows and I thank her for her observation. ¨I´m just another one bored out of my mind.¨ She stands tall and says her goodbye. Never have I ever been so entranced.
I guess that´s why they call it the devil´s dance.

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